
Friday, March 20, 2015

                 Student Success Statement

                 " I trust that my hard work will pay off."

                                  Tyler Haws

             The more work you put into something the better it will turn out. Sometimes it feels like it's worthless doing all the hard work and sacrifice everyday because it might not seem like it's making any difference but it is. I know that lately I have not put in my full effort in making a change for myself. Lately I have given up on a few things that I know I should not be doing. But Tyler Haws is right you have to put effort into something if not it will never work. If you believe that giving up on things will make a difference it won't you will only hurt yourself. That's the reason why always giving it your full on effort, work and time will pay off at the end. 



The United States Marine Corps is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea,using the mobility of the U.S. Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces. The U.S. Marine Corps is one of the four branches in the U.S. Department of Defense as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is one of the seven uniformed services of the United States.
The Marine Corps has been a component of the U.S. Department of the Navy since 1834,working closely with naval forces for training, transportation, and logistics. The USMC operates posts on land and aboard sea-going amphibious warfare ships around the world, and several of the Marines' tactical aviation squadrons, primarily Marine Fighter Attack squadrons, are also embedded in Navy Carrier air wings and operate from the Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.
Two battalions of Continental Marines were formed on 10 November 1775 in Philadelphia as an Infantry force capable of fighting for independence both at sea and on shore.The role of the Corps has since grown and evolved, expanding to aerial warfare and earning popular titles such as "America's third air force" and "second land army". The Marine Corps has distinguished itself as it has served in the majority of American wars, from its inception to the modern era, and attained prominence in the 20th century when its theories and practices of amphibious warfare proved prescient and ultimately formed the cornerstone of the Pacific campaign of World War II.
By the mid-20th century, the U.S. Marine Corps had become a major theorist and the dominant practitioner of amphibious warfare. Its ability to rapidly respond on short notice to expeditionary crises gives it a strong role in the implementation and execution of American foreign policy. The USMC has around 194,000 active duty members and just under 40,000 reserve Marines as of 2010. It is the smallest of the U.S. Armed Forces within the U.S. Department of Defense.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

                   Student Success Statement 

      "Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't.  In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."

        George Mitchell, Senate Majority Leader, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Disney Chairman of the Board.

            Cheating is not something someone should be proud of doing. Whenever you cheat it comes back to haunt you. Sometimes you might feel like there is no more hope or choice that you can do if you don't cheat. But there is always another way. Regardless of what it might be you need to think about the consequence that might happen if you cheat throughout your whole life. Not only will you feel bad but when they catch you you will look bad. You will lose friends and family. You won't just be harming yourself but other people around you. You can cheat in your math test and pass but when you head out to college where it would be impossible to cheat how will you do it? Even if you cheat throughout college too when you are in your career working you won't have a clue what to do because you cheated your way to the top. Never cheat because the outlook won't be as great.

Friday, March 6, 2015

                                  Student Success Statement

                                     " I won't cheat "

                                                                 Dale Murphy

                         When you cheat you are only affecting yourself and no one else. Cheating might seem easy to do better than putting in your effort because it might be hard but you always have to remember everything that takes a while to create goes away faster than when you take your time and do it step by step. For example if you cheat on the test the only person you are affecting is yourself because when a big test comes and you can't cheat you are going to end up failing it because you always used to cheat and never learned anything. Another example will be if you have to stay fit and eat regularly but when nobody is around you don't exercise and eat unhealthy you are only cheating yourself because the only person that is going to come out affected about that situation is you. So always think about the things you want to do and remember a cheater always gets caught. Don't cheat.


Duties and Responsibilities:  Oncology specialists are physicians trained in a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatment procedures, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Typical oncology specialists may have as much as 15 years of advanced education and training, which includes undergraduate studies, medical school, and one or more residency training programs. Additionally, licensure is required to practice as a physician. The American Board of Medical Specialties certifies oncology physicians in five different specialized areas, including radiation, medical, surgical and pediatric oncology.

Salary: $217,856- $350,000

Education:  As physicians, oncology specialists must complete up to eight years of undergraduate and medical school education. They then train in a medical residency that can last 3-5 years depending on the specialty. Those pursuing subspecialty training may also be required to complete an additional residency or fellowship of up to three years. Following training, all physicians must pass a licensing exam before they are able to practice. Completion of training often qualifies oncology specialists for voluntary certification, which typically involves a set of written and oral exams and a performance review.

Reflection: Oncologist is a new kind of doctor that I was not aware about. It sounds like a good paying career but it does not get my attention like it should. Before becoming a Oncologist there's so many steps that have to be done. I might consider this career but for the mean time I know this is not something I would want to be doing for the rest of my life. Even though I'll be making a lot of money it won't matter if I'm not happy with my job.


Monday, March 2, 2015

                        Student Success Statement

     "Great beauty great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."



                                              Benjamin Franklin

                        Having beauty and being wealthy is not a great use because sometimes people might want you for the wrong reasons. They might say they are your friends but when you need them they won't be there for you. In other times people who have beauty and are wealthy think that they are better than everyone else and start to mistreat others just because they don't have the looks or the money. None of that really matters. What truly matters is having a good heart and by that I don't just mean being in health I mean being a good person. Helping others and doing the right things is what is much more expensive then all the money, strength or beauty in the world.