
Monday, September 15, 2014

                Auricular Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: An acupuncture technician, often called an acupuncture detoxification specialist, performs an acupuncture treatment on five points of the ear. In traditional Chinese medicine, all illnesses are believed to be driven by an energy imbalance in the body. Acupuncture uses needles to balance the energy of the body's pathways. While it can take 3-4 years for an aspiring acupuncturist to learn a wide variety of applications, an acupuncture technician is trained for 100 hours or less in just auricular acupuncture.

Salary: $38,000 – $137,000

Education: To become an acupuncture technician, you will need to participate in a program certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. This program will teach you the five basic ear points of auricular acupuncture. In a NADA program, you'll take a 30-hour didactic course and spend 40 hours practicing your skills in a clinic. You should have a master's degree or higher and share these traits: Trustworthy: You are known for your personal integrity and honesty. Independent: You enjoy flying solo and doing things your own way. Detail Oriented: You pay close attention to all the little details.

Reflection: Being an Auricular Therapy doesn't interest me. Having to look into people ears and using needles just freaks me out and makes me not want to do it. I also took the test that they have online to see if that major is really for me but unfortunately I scored low so I don’t think I would be good for this career. Situations where you have to poke into something with a needle just isn't for me , it freaks me out.

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