Student Success Statement
" Kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Theres nothing better then kindness and greatness. Whenever I do something good I always feel so good afterwards. For example the class of leadership organized a day after school as a teachers appreciation day. We cleaned the whole leadership classroom, organized the table and also brought them food from our homes. It was a lot of work and it took timing, planning and preparation but honestly it all was worth it when we seen each and every teacher walk in the room with a big simple and surprised look on their faces. It's those kind of things that make you want and do more for those you care. I have not known my teachers for a long time but the short amount of time that I got to know them let's me know what great teachers they are and how much we should appreciate them for all there hard work even if it may seem we don't care it's always nice to here you are appreciated. We did an act of kindness and it felt great.
- 100goals. (1)
- 1863 (1)
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- 3 magic keys (1)
- 3000 people killed (1)
- 32 credit hours (1)
- 911 memorial (1)
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- accordingly (1)
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- Acupressure (1)
- acupuncture (2)
- acupuncture detoxification (1)
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- affect (2)
- age-related hearing loss (1)
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- Allopathic Physician (1)
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- Arnold H. Glasgow (1)
- art (1)
- artificial organs (1)
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- asthma (1)
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- attaching electrodes (1)
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- Auricular Therapy (1)
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- cleaning (1)
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- consequences (2)
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- corps (1)
- corruption (1)
- Counseling/psychotherapy (1)
- Count Leo Tolstoy (1)
- courage (2)
- CTR (9)
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- cyber crime (1)
- daily (1)
- Dale Murphy (1)
- data (1)
- deadly (1)
- Dean Smith (1)
- decide (1)
- decision (1)
- decisions (1)
- Dennis Prager (1)
- dental assistant (1)
- depression (1)
- design (1)
- destiny (1)
- Detroit (1)
- diagnostic radiologist (1)
- diet (1)
- directions (1)
- disappointing (1)
- diseases (1)
- doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1)
- dream (1)
- drug trafficking (1)
- Dubai (1)
- duty (1)
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- earth (1)
- easier (1)
- easy (1)
- Education (2)
- effects (1)
- effort (1)
- eight to ten weeks (1)
- EKG techinician (1)
- elderly (1)
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- embryos (1)
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- energy flow (1)
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- ENT Doctor (1)
- entire (1)
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- environmental sciences (1)
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- examine (1)
- eye disorders & diseases (1)
- eye surgery (1)
- eyes (1)
- Ezra T. Benson (1)
- fairness (1)
- family (1)
- fan (1)
- farther (1)
- FBI (1)
- federal law (1)
- feed (1)
- fetuses (1)
- fifteen year old (1)
- Final;Part1 (1)
- Final: Part 2 (1)
- follow (2)
- follower (1)
- fool (1)
- football (1)
- forget (1)
- forgive (1)
- found money (1)
- freedom (1)
- generous (2)
- Goal (2)
- goalpost (1)
- good (4)
- good things (1)
- Good Values (1)
- Gordon B. Hinckley (1)
- great (1)
- greatness (1)
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- health (2)
- health care (3)
- health care law (1)
- health concerns (1)
- health conditions (1)
- Health educator (1)
- Health information specialist (1)
- health related problems (1)
- heart (1)
- heavy (1)
- help (2)
- helping (2)
- herbs (1)
- history (1)
- hoal (1)
- holiday (1)
- home (1)
- Home Health Aide (1)
- homes (1)
- honesty (2)
- honor (3)
- Honorable Little Boy (1)
- horrible (1)
- Hosea Ballou (1)
- HPIAM (1)
- human behavior (1)
- humankind (1)
- I won't cheat (1)
- illness (1)
- illnesses (1)
- immune system (1)
- immunodeficiency disorder (1)
- immunologic (1)
- independently (1)
- individual (1)
- infections (1)
- influence (1)
- injecting (1)
- injured animals (1)
- injury (1)
- instrumentation (1)
- Integrity (1)
- intelligence (1)
- inter (1)
- interpreting medical images (1)
- interventional radiology (1)
- investigators (1)
- James Freeman Clark (1)
- James Naismith (1)
- John Wooden (1)
- Joseph B. Wirthlin (1)
- Joseph Smith (1)
- jump ball (1)
- kind (1)
- kindess (1)
- kindness (1)
- knowledge (1)
- law (3)
- leader (1)
- leaders (1)
- legend (1)
- lie (1)
- Lies (1)
- life (2)
- light therapy (1)
- limits (1)
- live (1)
- living organisms (1)
- Lou Holtz (1)
- LPN (1)
- lying (2)
- M.L. King Jr. (1)
- managers (1)
- Marcus Aurelius (1)
- marines (1)
- Mark Twain (1)
- Mark V. Hansen (1)
- mathematics (1)
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- medical illustrator (1)
- medical tests (1)
- medication (1)
- medicine (1)
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- mental level (1)
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- Mr.Haymore (2)
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- New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist (1)
- New York City (1)
- Noemi Trigueros (1)
- nothing (1)
- now (1)
- nurse (1)
- nursing administrator home (1)
- nutrition (1)
- Obedience (5)
- observation (1)
- obsessions (1)
- Og Mandino (1)
- Oncologist (1)
- one day (1)
- operator (1)
- Ophthalmologist (1)
- optician (1)
- organized crime (1)
- organs (1)
- osteopathic (1)
- otolaryngologist (1)
- Otto Graham Jr (1)
- pain relief (1)
- Pam Knox (1)
- parents (2)
- Paul Hatch (2)
- pay off (1)
- personal tasks (1)
- Peter Vidmar (1)
- photobiology (1)
- physician (1)
- physicians (1)
- physics (1)
- physiology (1)
- plan (1)
- Political Science (1)
- post-traumatic (1)
- powerful (1)
- prepared (1)
- prevent health problems (1)
- private agencies (1)
- problems (1)
- promise (1)
- promote (1)
- prostheses (1)
- providing medical (1)
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- Psychologist (1)
- public health (1)
- purse (1)
- Rachel Castillo (1)
- range (1)
- recover (1)
- recreation (1)
- Reggie Bush (1)
- registered dietitian (1)
- relax (1)
- relaxed (1)
- respect (2)
- responsibilities (2)
- responsibility (1)
- Richard L. Evans (1)
- riches (1)
- right (7)
- right heart (1)
- robberies (1)
- rule (1)
- sacrifice (1)
- say no (1)
- school (2)
- science (1)
- scientists (1)
- self-healing abilities (1)
- selfish (1)
- Senior year (1)
- setting (1)
- show (1)
- sick (1)
- six standard exercises (1)
- social processes (1)
- sociology (1)
- song (1)
- specialized training (1)
- spirit (1)
- spiritual (1)
- SSS (46)
- stand alone (1)
- Sterling W. Sill (1)
- Stimulation (1)
- stopping (1)
- strength (1)
- stress disorder (1)
- strong (1)
- sub specialize (1)
- Success (1)
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- teach people (1)
- teachers (2)
- techniques (1)
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- terrorism (1)
- test (1)
- thankful (1)
- Thanksgiving Day (1)
- The 10 Indian Commandments (1)
- The 3 Questions (1)
- The American Board of Medical Specialties (1)
- the six pillars of character (1)
- Theodore Hesburgh (1)
- Thomas S. Monson (4)
- thursday (1)
- time (1)
- tradition (1)
- traditional chinese medicine (1)
- train (1)
- trained (1)
- treat (1)
- treat children (1)
- treat sick (1)
- treatment (3)
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- trustworthiness (1)
- trustworthy (1)
- truth (3)
- Twin Towers (1)
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- W. Clement Stone (1)
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- worth (1)
- wrong (6)
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- Yes. (1)
- you (2)
- young adults obligation (1)
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well.It became an official Federal holiday in 1863, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November. Also, there are reports that the original Thanksgiving proclamation was signed by George Washington. As a federal and public holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year. Together with Christmas and New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well.It became an official Federal holiday in 1863, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November. Also, there are reports that the original Thanksgiving proclamation was signed by George Washington. As a federal and public holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year. Together with Christmas and New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.
- I'm thankful for the family that I have.
- I'm thankful that I'm in good health.
- I'm thankful for the things I have.
- I'm thankful for god letting me wake up every morning.
- I'm thankful for the people that love me and care for me besides my family.
- I'm thankful for being able to eat every day.
- I'm thankful the water we still have.
- I'm thankful for the people who have always helped me in my time of need.
- I'm thankful that my teachers care about education.
- I'm thankful for having a principal who cares so much about my education and what I will accomplish after high school.
- I'm thankful for every experience that I have encountered because that's what made me become mature.
- Lastly I also thank those who have once hurt me or lied to me because if it were not for them I would have never know what is the real world and be the person I am today. The fact that I have experience those feelings I'm able to understand how a person will feel if I did the same thing and that's why I thank those people for giving me the experience so I won't do it to others.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Student Success Statement
"If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true don't say it."
Marcus Aurelius
This success statement can be pretty easy to follow and understand. The first sentences states "if it is not right do not do it" it can't get no more simpler then this. You know what's right and what's wrong if you know going out with your friends to smoke and drink is wrong don't do it because believe it or not your only harming yourself. Not only will you be lying to you parents about what you will be doing but you will also be harming yourself by lying, smoking and drinking at an age when you should not be doing those things. The second statement says "if it is not true don't say it" everything you hear with your friends or other people don't believe unless there is prove or you have seen it for yourself. If a friend tells you something bad about another person but you know that person has never done anything to you don't go in believing rumors stick to only the truth.
"If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true don't say it."
Marcus Aurelius
This success statement can be pretty easy to follow and understand. The first sentences states "if it is not right do not do it" it can't get no more simpler then this. You know what's right and what's wrong if you know going out with your friends to smoke and drink is wrong don't do it because believe it or not your only harming yourself. Not only will you be lying to you parents about what you will be doing but you will also be harming yourself by lying, smoking and drinking at an age when you should not be doing those things. The second statement says "if it is not true don't say it" everything you hear with your friends or other people don't believe unless there is prove or you have seen it for yourself. If a friend tells you something bad about another person but you know that person has never done anything to you don't go in believing rumors stick to only the truth.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Dental Assistant is the operator in providing more efficient dental treatment, by preparing the patient for treatment, sterilizing instruments, passing instruments during the procedure, holding suction devices, exposing dental radiographs, taking impressions, and fabricating provisional crowns. Dental operators can focus more time on the procedure; the dental assistant then effectively becomes the operator's extra hands.
Salary: $23,550-$47,580
Education:In some states, dental assistants can work in the field without a college degree, while in other states, dental assistants must be licensed or registered.Dental assistants are required to meet the minimum certification to work in the field.The Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association accredits dental assisting school programs, of which there are over 200 in the United States. To become a Certified Dental Assistant dental assistants must take the Dental Assisting National Board CDA examination after they have completed an accredited dental assisting program, or have at least two years of on-the-job training as a dental assistant. Some dentists are willing to pay a dental assistant-in-training that has a good attitude and work ethic.
Reflection: In my personal view i think that becoming a dental assistant is not that difficult. I know a few people who work as dental assistants and including a family member of mine also works in a dentist office but that wouldn't be a job i would like to do for the rest of my life. The job is easy and not difficult but the pay is not so good. I wouldn't like to have and check peoples mouths for a living. It doesn't seem as important in my personal view that's why i couldn't like or consider myself working as a dental assistant.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dental Assistant is the operator in providing more efficient dental treatment, by preparing the patient for treatment, sterilizing instruments, passing instruments during the procedure, holding suction devices, exposing dental radiographs, taking impressions, and fabricating provisional crowns. Dental operators can focus more time on the procedure; the dental assistant then effectively becomes the operator's extra hands.
Salary: $23,550-$47,580
Education:In some states, dental assistants can work in the field without a college degree, while in other states, dental assistants must be licensed or registered.Dental assistants are required to meet the minimum certification to work in the field.The Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association accredits dental assisting school programs, of which there are over 200 in the United States. To become a Certified Dental Assistant dental assistants must take the Dental Assisting National Board CDA examination after they have completed an accredited dental assisting program, or have at least two years of on-the-job training as a dental assistant. Some dentists are willing to pay a dental assistant-in-training that has a good attitude and work ethic.
Reflection: In my personal view i think that becoming a dental assistant is not that difficult. I know a few people who work as dental assistants and including a family member of mine also works in a dentist office but that wouldn't be a job i would like to do for the rest of my life. The job is easy and not difficult but the pay is not so good. I wouldn't like to have and check peoples mouths for a living. It doesn't seem as important in my personal view that's why i couldn't like or consider myself working as a dental assistant.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Student Success Statement
" It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."
James Freeman Clark
It certainly will make a difference to all eternity if we choose the right or wrong. If you are a very intelligent person who studied in medication and got his doctors odds are that you will choose the right and help those in need instead of keeping all that knowledge to yourself. You will better our community by helping those who are sick. Another example is if you join the army or any other u.s armed force you will learn many techniques with guns and protecting yourself. You can choose the right thing by serving your country and using the techniques against those who are harming us or you can choose the wrong and use it against those who have done nothing wrong to you. The decisions you make in life whether right or wrong will affect the future of others and yourself.
" It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."
James Freeman Clark
It certainly will make a difference to all eternity if we choose the right or wrong. If you are a very intelligent person who studied in medication and got his doctors odds are that you will choose the right and help those in need instead of keeping all that knowledge to yourself. You will better our community by helping those who are sick. Another example is if you join the army or any other u.s armed force you will learn many techniques with guns and protecting yourself. You can choose the right thing by serving your country and using the techniques against those who are harming us or you can choose the wrong and use it against those who have done nothing wrong to you. The decisions you make in life whether right or wrong will affect the future of others and yourself.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is an official United States holiday that honors people who have served, are serving or will serve in the U.S Armed Forces. It is a federal holiday that is celebrated on November 11 held on the anniversary of the end of World War I. In this holiday we get the opportunity to thank each and every person who has risk their lives fighting in war to protect us and our nation. My older brother served in the marines and died giving his life to our nation, since he turn 18 he left and passed away at the age of 27. That was always his dream to defined our homeland and protect it that's why I know that he is in a better place and that he died doing what he wanted. Not only did my older brother served in the marines but also my second brother joined the air force and as of right now he is actually in training. I know what it feels like to lose the people you love to war but I know my brothers death waste in vain and I know that in my heart he was doing the right thing. That's why I thank each and soldier, marine, air force and navy who are out there risking their lives for the protection of our nation and self.
Veterans Day is an official United States holiday that honors people who have served, are serving or will serve in the U.S Armed Forces. It is a federal holiday that is celebrated on November 11 held on the anniversary of the end of World War I. In this holiday we get the opportunity to thank each and every person who has risk their lives fighting in war to protect us and our nation. My older brother served in the marines and died giving his life to our nation, since he turn 18 he left and passed away at the age of 27. That was always his dream to defined our homeland and protect it that's why I know that he is in a better place and that he died doing what he wanted. Not only did my older brother served in the marines but also my second brother joined the air force and as of right now he is actually in training. I know what it feels like to lose the people you love to war but I know my brothers death waste in vain and I know that in my heart he was doing the right thing. That's why I thank each and soldier, marine, air force and navy who are out there risking their lives for the protection of our nation and self.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Student Success Statement
1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.
W. Clement Stone
Doing the right thing might be more hard then doing the wrong thing. Kids and even parents sometimes get influence or under the bad temptation in choosing the wrong. But you have to have to courage to say no, you will make a bigger impact in your life if you say or do the wrong thing, that's called consequences. Believe it or not they will happen if you don't go down the right path. W. Clement Stone stated in his quote to have to courage to say no and face the truth. Trust me it might be hard at that moment but coming clean to someone shows a lot of respect in your behalf.
1. Have the courage to say no.
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.
W. Clement Stone
Doing the right thing might be more hard then doing the wrong thing. Kids and even parents sometimes get influence or under the bad temptation in choosing the wrong. But you have to have to courage to say no, you will make a bigger impact in your life if you say or do the wrong thing, that's called consequences. Believe it or not they will happen if you don't go down the right path. W. Clement Stone stated in his quote to have to courage to say no and face the truth. Trust me it might be hard at that moment but coming clean to someone shows a lot of respect in your behalf.
3 magic keys,
say no,
W. Clement Stone
Student Success Statement
Definition:the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Definition:the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
- Words with same meaning:
- Honor
- Honesty
- Trust
- Loyalty
- Trustworthy
- Probity
I never doubted his integrity.
His integrity will take him far in life.
People integrities are one of the
main qualities a person could have.
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