Final: Part 2
Everything in this class that we did I enjoyed. For example I was aware of some careers in the medical field but having this class made me learn of every more that I didn't even know. Another thing I really like about this class was all the learning lessons we did because they are learning lesson about life and ourselves to become better people. I can't think of anything I disliked about this class all I can say is that my expectation for it were not what I thought, they were even better. I don't think the class needs improvement maybe what can change is having the student socialize a bit more as in doing activities with each other then having them all quiet sitting down. I feel that I did very well in this class and that whenever I was not absent because of the doctor I would do my best. I know if I would not miss so much because of my eyes my grade might have been much better but unfortunately I couldn't do anything about that. I do read my goals four times a week, I'm not going to lie not everyday because at times I become so busy I forget. But one of my goals is to read them everyday and I read them to motivate myself in accomplishing them and finishing my 100 goals so I can start another 100 more. I am commited of being a CTR person because I want to live a happy and good life. Where I can help others by also helping myself. Being a CTR person is setting an example for those around you to make a change for a better environment to live in. It may be more easier to do things bad but it's not the right thing to do. I want to make a change in my community and by wanting that I need to be the role model that you can be a CTR person regardless where you come from or how you were raised. My body, mind and spirit are the most important things I have. Taking care of my body will require me eat healthy and to exercise at least everyday for 30mins. My mind will be filled with positive thoughts and I will only think about doing good things and lastly my spirit. In order to have my spirit healthy I will have to be in peace with myself and by doing that all I would need to do is be stress free and have positive energy around me.
- 100goals. (1)
- 1863 (1)
- 200 investigations (1)
- 2000 years (1)
- 24 children (1)
- 3 magic keys (1)
- 3000 people killed (1)
- 32 credit hours (1)
- 911 memorial (1)
- AABB (1)
- Abraham Lincoln (2)
- accordingly (1)
- achieving (2)
- Acupressure (1)
- acupuncture (2)
- acupuncture detoxification (1)
- addictions (1)
- administrative (1)
- adults. (1)
- affect (2)
- age-related hearing loss (1)
- aime (1)
- Alan Paton (1)
- Alan Stein (1)
- Alexander Hamilton (1)
- Alexander Pope (1)
- allergies (1)
- Allergist/immunologist (1)
- allopathic (1)
- Allopathic Physician (1)
- Alway (1)
- always (1)
- American board of internal medicine (1)
- american board of pediatrics (1)
- american cancer (1)
- anatomy (1)
- animal (1)
- anonymous (1)
- another (1)
- Arnold H. Glasgow (1)
- art (1)
- artificial organs (1)
- Assisting (1)
- asthma (1)
- athletic trainer (1)
- attaching electrodes (1)
- attack (1)
- attitude (1)
- Auricular Therapy (1)
- Autogenic training (1)
- average (1)
- bad (3)
- basketball (3)
- beauty (2)
- believe (1)
- Ben Carson (1)
- Benjamin Franklin (1)
- best (1)
- Best Quote (1)
- better yourself (1)
- biology (2)
- bipolar disorder (1)
- body (1)
- Boyd K. Packer (2)
- broken (1)
- business (1)
- Canada (1)
- cancers (1)
- care (2)
- careless (1)
- caring (1)
- caring. citizenship (1)
- celebrate (1)
- cells (1)
- cellular therapy (1)
- change (1)
- character (1)
- cheating (1)
- chemistry (1)
- Chinese medicine (2)
- Chinese(Oriental) Medicine (1)
- Choose The Right (1)
- Civil War (1)
- cleaning (1)
- clinical diagnosis (1)
- Clinical manager (1)
- Coach (1)
- collect data (1)
- Colors (1)
- community (3)
- concentration (1)
- consequences (2)
- cool (1)
- corps (1)
- corruption (1)
- Counseling/psychotherapy (1)
- Count Leo Tolstoy (1)
- courage (2)
- CTR (9)
- culture (1)
- cyber crime (1)
- daily (1)
- Dale Murphy (1)
- data (1)
- deadly (1)
- Dean Smith (1)
- decide (1)
- decision (1)
- decisions (1)
- Dennis Prager (1)
- dental assistant (1)
- depression (1)
- design (1)
- destiny (1)
- Detroit (1)
- diagnostic radiologist (1)
- diet (1)
- directions (1)
- disappointing (1)
- diseases (1)
- doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1)
- dream (1)
- drug trafficking (1)
- Dubai (1)
- duty (1)
- ear (1)
- earth (1)
- easier (1)
- easy (1)
- Education (2)
- effects (1)
- effort (1)
- eight to ten weeks (1)
- EKG techinician (1)
- elderly (1)
- electrocardiograph technician (1)
- embryos (1)
- emotional (2)
- energy (2)
- energy flow (1)
- engineering (1)
- ENT Doctor (1)
- entire (1)
- Environmental Health Specialist (1)
- environmental sciences (1)
- espionage (1)
- examine (1)
- eye disorders & diseases (1)
- eye surgery (1)
- eyes (1)
- Ezra T. Benson (1)
- fairness (1)
- family (1)
- fan (1)
- farther (1)
- FBI (1)
- federal law (1)
- feed (1)
- fetuses (1)
- fifteen year old (1)
- Final;Part1 (1)
- Final: Part 2 (1)
- follow (2)
- follower (1)
- fool (1)
- football (1)
- forget (1)
- forgive (1)
- found money (1)
- freedom (1)
- generous (2)
- Goal (2)
- goalpost (1)
- good (4)
- good things (1)
- Good Values (1)
- Gordon B. Hinckley (1)
- great (1)
- greatness (1)
- happiness (1)
- health (2)
- health care (3)
- health care law (1)
- health concerns (1)
- health conditions (1)
- Health educator (1)
- Health information specialist (1)
- health related problems (1)
- heart (1)
- heavy (1)
- help (2)
- helping (2)
- herbs (1)
- history (1)
- hoal (1)
- holiday (1)
- home (1)
- Home Health Aide (1)
- homes (1)
- honesty (2)
- honor (3)
- Honorable Little Boy (1)
- horrible (1)
- Hosea Ballou (1)
- HPIAM (1)
- human behavior (1)
- humankind (1)
- I won't cheat (1)
- illness (1)
- illnesses (1)
- immune system (1)
- immunodeficiency disorder (1)
- immunologic (1)
- independently (1)
- individual (1)
- infections (1)
- influence (1)
- injecting (1)
- injured animals (1)
- injury (1)
- instrumentation (1)
- Integrity (1)
- intelligence (1)
- inter (1)
- interpreting medical images (1)
- interventional radiology (1)
- investigators (1)
- James Freeman Clark (1)
- James Naismith (1)
- John Wooden (1)
- Joseph B. Wirthlin (1)
- Joseph Smith (1)
- jump ball (1)
- kind (1)
- kindess (1)
- kindness (1)
- knowledge (1)
- law (3)
- leader (1)
- leaders (1)
- legend (1)
- lie (1)
- Lies (1)
- life (2)
- light therapy (1)
- limits (1)
- live (1)
- living organisms (1)
- Lou Holtz (1)
- LPN (1)
- lying (2)
- M.L. King Jr. (1)
- managers (1)
- Marcus Aurelius (1)
- marines (1)
- Mark Twain (1)
- Mark V. Hansen (1)
- mathematics (1)
- medical (2)
- medical illustrator (1)
- medical tests (1)
- medication (1)
- medicine (1)
- mental illness (1)
- mental level (1)
- Michael Phelps (1)
- mind (1)
- modern (1)
- moment (1)
- money (2)
- most (1)
- move on (1)
- Mr.Haymore (2)
- NADA (1)
- national security (1)
- natural medicine (1)
- navy carrier (1)
- needle insertion (1)
- never (1)
- New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist (1)
- New York City (1)
- Noemi Trigueros (1)
- nothing (1)
- now (1)
- nurse (1)
- nursing administrator home (1)
- nutrition (1)
- Obedience (5)
- observation (1)
- obsessions (1)
- Og Mandino (1)
- Oncologist (1)
- one day (1)
- operator (1)
- Ophthalmologist (1)
- optician (1)
- organized crime (1)
- organs (1)
- osteopathic (1)
- otolaryngologist (1)
- Otto Graham Jr (1)
- pain relief (1)
- Pam Knox (1)
- parents (2)
- Paul Hatch (2)
- pay off (1)
- personal tasks (1)
- Peter Vidmar (1)
- photobiology (1)
- physician (1)
- physicians (1)
- physics (1)
- physiology (1)
- plan (1)
- Political Science (1)
- post-traumatic (1)
- powerful (1)
- prepared (1)
- prevent health problems (1)
- private agencies (1)
- problems (1)
- promise (1)
- promote (1)
- prostheses (1)
- providing medical (1)
- Psychiatrist (1)
- Psychologist (1)
- public health (1)
- purse (1)
- Rachel Castillo (1)
- range (1)
- recover (1)
- recreation (1)
- Reggie Bush (1)
- registered dietitian (1)
- relax (1)
- relaxed (1)
- respect (2)
- responsibilities (2)
- responsibility (1)
- Richard L. Evans (1)
- riches (1)
- right (7)
- right heart (1)
- robberies (1)
- rule (1)
- sacrifice (1)
- say no (1)
- school (2)
- science (1)
- scientists (1)
- self-healing abilities (1)
- selfish (1)
- Senior year (1)
- setting (1)
- show (1)
- sick (1)
- six standard exercises (1)
- social processes (1)
- sociology (1)
- song (1)
- specialized training (1)
- spirit (1)
- spiritual (1)
- SSS (46)
- stand alone (1)
- Sterling W. Sill (1)
- Stimulation (1)
- stopping (1)
- strength (1)
- stress disorder (1)
- strong (1)
- sub specialize (1)
- Success (1)
- tai chi (1)
- TCM (1)
- teach people (1)
- teachers (2)
- techniques (1)
- teeth (1)
- terrorism (1)
- test (1)
- thankful (1)
- Thanksgiving Day (1)
- The 10 Indian Commandments (1)
- The 3 Questions (1)
- The American Board of Medical Specialties (1)
- the six pillars of character (1)
- Theodore Hesburgh (1)
- Thomas S. Monson (4)
- thursday (1)
- time (1)
- tradition (1)
- traditional chinese medicine (1)
- train (1)
- trained (1)
- treat (1)
- treat children (1)
- treat sick (1)
- treatment (3)
- true (1)
- trust (3)
- trustworthiness (1)
- trustworthy (1)
- truth (3)
- Twin Towers (1)
- Tyler Haws (1)
- U.S (2)
- ultimate football player (1)
- United States (1)
- upsetting (1)
- USC (1)
- verbal commands (1)
- Veterans Day (1)
- Veterinarian (1)
- Victor Hugo (1)
- vision problems (1)
- W. Clement Stone (1)
- want (1)
- wealth (3)
- western medicine doctor (1)
- William Penn (1)
- wins (1)
- Words to live by (1)
- work (2)
- work hard (1)
- work together (1)
- worry (1)
- worth (1)
- wrong (6)
- x-rays (1)
- Yes. (1)
- you (2)
- young adults obligation (1)
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Final: Part1
In my group we were only three people; Yasmin, Michael and me. Our topic was legalizing marijuana and the benefits it would have if we do legalize it. My role for this presentation was the counterargument. I had to focus on the cons and rebutting them. Having to do the project itself was not my challenge because politics has always been my passion; what I found more difficult was speaking in front of people and making sure I got my point across without passing our time limit. I have to admit it was stressful because sometimes my group members were not on tasks and were behind. We would argue and sometime met up. I had to stay constantly on them in order to make sure we would not fall behind. Even though we did fight and have our arguments on the day of the presentation I believe my group and I did a magnificent job. We were confident about our debate and presented ourselves very well. Our rehearsals were not so good because we would fool around but I'm happy that the day our presentation we pulled ourselves together and gave it our all. Besides all the negative things that happen and the stress we were all in I honestly would not mind doing something like this again. It help me by learning speech skills and not being afraid of presenting in front of people. I took the mistakes and places where I felt I needed improvement as learning lessons so by next time I will create a better presentation. In my old school we never had assignment or presentation like this; this was all new to me. I enjoyed every minute of it the only thing I would probably change is having more waters for the helpers. Not only was I in charge of my appointment but also since I'm in leadership I was in charge of decorating and cleaning up our hallways so they can look presentable for our visitors. But that was not all of my job I was also assigned to be a host like every other student in leadership to keep things organized and help anyone who was lost. Each one of us had a class to take care of. I had to balance being a host and my presentation, although it was tough work and at the end of the night I had blisters from my high heels this is an experience I would not mind doing all over again.
In my group we were only three people; Yasmin, Michael and me. Our topic was legalizing marijuana and the benefits it would have if we do legalize it. My role for this presentation was the counterargument. I had to focus on the cons and rebutting them. Having to do the project itself was not my challenge because politics has always been my passion; what I found more difficult was speaking in front of people and making sure I got my point across without passing our time limit. I have to admit it was stressful because sometimes my group members were not on tasks and were behind. We would argue and sometime met up. I had to stay constantly on them in order to make sure we would not fall behind. Even though we did fight and have our arguments on the day of the presentation I believe my group and I did a magnificent job. We were confident about our debate and presented ourselves very well. Our rehearsals were not so good because we would fool around but I'm happy that the day our presentation we pulled ourselves together and gave it our all. Besides all the negative things that happen and the stress we were all in I honestly would not mind doing something like this again. It help me by learning speech skills and not being afraid of presenting in front of people. I took the mistakes and places where I felt I needed improvement as learning lessons so by next time I will create a better presentation. In my old school we never had assignment or presentation like this; this was all new to me. I enjoyed every minute of it the only thing I would probably change is having more waters for the helpers. Not only was I in charge of my appointment but also since I'm in leadership I was in charge of decorating and cleaning up our hallways so they can look presentable for our visitors. But that was not all of my job I was also assigned to be a host like every other student in leadership to keep things organized and help anyone who was lost. Each one of us had a class to take care of. I had to balance being a host and my presentation, although it was tough work and at the end of the night I had blisters from my high heels this is an experience I would not mind doing all over again.
Student Success Statement
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad"
Abraham Lincoln
The reason why you feel good when you do something good for someone is because your heart and mind know you are doing a good deed. You have that great feeling that you are helping someone out. No matter how small the things you are doing; as long as it's something good you will be making a change. For example helping a lady cross the street can be a nice and kind thing to do and by doing that you will feel much better because you are helping out a senior. When you do bad things you feel bad because you have a constions that is aware of what you are doing and knows it's wrong. For example when you fight with your siblings you might not feel bad at that moment because you have all that anger inside but as soon as it goes away you start regretting it. Thats why never do bad things that will make you feel bad, but good things that will bring positive energy.
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad"
Abraham Lincoln
The reason why you feel good when you do something good for someone is because your heart and mind know you are doing a good deed. You have that great feeling that you are helping someone out. No matter how small the things you are doing; as long as it's something good you will be making a change. For example helping a lady cross the street can be a nice and kind thing to do and by doing that you will feel much better because you are helping out a senior. When you do bad things you feel bad because you have a constions that is aware of what you are doing and knows it's wrong. For example when you fight with your siblings you might not feel bad at that moment because you have all that anger inside but as soon as it goes away you start regretting it. Thats why never do bad things that will make you feel bad, but good things that will bring positive energy.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Take responsibility for your own body, mind and spirit.
You Are in Charge
"Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well being."
Mr. Haymore
Mind; stay focused on things that will bring good to your life, body: be healthy and take care of your body, spirit: god should be your first and main priority because without his help you won't be able to manage all of this. People never realize how much power you can have over your body. You are responsible of having a good body, mind and spirit. If you are out of balance in one of those characteristics you will not feel complete. It's very important to have a body, mind and spirit balance to live a happy life and to influence others about your happy life. It's all about good vibes and energy.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Student Success Statement
" We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do."
This quote can mean many things. Sometimes when you're under the bad influence we tend to don't think of the consequences and just live by the moment but we need to realize that there risks for the decisions we take. Let's say you're friends are all smoking but you and they keep on encouraging to smoke as well are you going to let them influence you or will you say stop. Now it's very different when it comes down to doing the right choose. If you have a essay due or to study for a final you should encourage yourself to finish those tasks because they will help you out in life. Always encourage to do start and do the right thing.
" We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do."
Richard L. Evans
This quote can mean many things. Sometimes when you're under the bad influence we tend to don't think of the consequences and just live by the moment but we need to realize that there risks for the decisions we take. Let's say you're friends are all smoking but you and they keep on encouraging to smoke as well are you going to let them influence you or will you say stop. Now it's very different when it comes down to doing the right choose. If you have a essay due or to study for a final you should encourage yourself to finish those tasks because they will help you out in life. Always encourage to do start and do the right thing.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Student Success Statement
"Always do right."
Mark Twain
Making the right choice can sometimes be more difficult then doing the wrong thing. And sometimes that's what many people think. They rather chose the bad path because they want an easy way out of a problem, issue or any decision. I'm not talking about just other people but I can also include myself. Even though the wrong decision can be much better than the right now choosing the right won't come with a consequence but maybe with a reward for saying the truth and doing the right thing. However there is still the probability that you still might get punished but is a better feeling then knowing you did the right thing.
"Always do right."
Mark Twain
Making the right choice can sometimes be more difficult then doing the wrong thing. And sometimes that's what many people think. They rather chose the bad path because they want an easy way out of a problem, issue or any decision. I'm not talking about just other people but I can also include myself. Even though the wrong decision can be much better than the right now choosing the right won't come with a consequence but maybe with a reward for saying the truth and doing the right thing. However there is still the probability that you still might get punished but is a better feeling then knowing you did the right thing.
Friday, December 5, 2014
"When You Tell A Lie It Leads To Another"
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lies and, Oh Brother
You're in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect
Then you tell sex lies and you'll collect
A life filled with worries and fear
Cause you can't remember how many lies
you've told
And half the things aren't true
And sometimes you'll slip up, you'll trip uup
and then
Whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the whole wide world will know
you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lies and, Oh Brother
You're in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect
Then you tell sex lies and you'll collect
A life filled with worries and fear
Cause you can't remember how many lies
you've told
And half the things aren't true
And sometimes you'll slip up, you'll trip uup
and then
Whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the whole wide world will know
you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good
Student Success Statement
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"
Paul Hatch
Always Speak The Truth
When you tell your first lie it's always hard because you have never lied and the fear of someone finding out you're not honest makes you feel more nerves. But when you start lying more often that fear starts to go away and eventually you have no guilt about lying. The hard part about lying is that you can never stop. If you tell one lie you have to tell another one to cover up that lie and another and another. Not only are you dealing with so many lies but you have to keep your story straight and remember each lie you have told and since it didn't happen you will eventually forget the lie and get caught. That' why you should always say the truth no matter how much it can hurt someone because lying hurts more then the truth.
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"
Paul Hatch
Always Speak The Truth
When you tell your first lie it's always hard because you have never lied and the fear of someone finding out you're not honest makes you feel more nerves. But when you start lying more often that fear starts to go away and eventually you have no guilt about lying. The hard part about lying is that you can never stop. If you tell one lie you have to tell another one to cover up that lie and another and another. Not only are you dealing with so many lies but you have to keep your story straight and remember each lie you have told and since it didn't happen you will eventually forget the lie and get caught. That' why you should always say the truth no matter how much it can hurt someone because lying hurts more then the truth.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Student Success Statement
The 3 Questions:
1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
People can trust me to do what's right.
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
I'm always committed to do my best in anything that I have to do.
3.Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
I do treat people the way I want to be treat. That's a motto I like to live by.
" If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."
The 3 Questions:
Lou Holtz
1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
People can trust me to do what's right.
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
I'm always committed to do my best in anything that I have to do.
3.Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
I do treat people the way I want to be treat. That's a motto I like to live by.
" If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."
Diagnostic Radiologist
Duties and Responsibilities:A radiologist is a physician who is also an imaging expert with specialized training in obtaining and interpreting medical images obtained by using x-rays or radioactive substances or by other means such as sound waves or the body's natural magnetism.Diagnostic radiologists may sub specialize in neuroradiology, nuclear radiology, pediatric radiology, and vascular and interventional radiology. In addition, diagnostic radiologists and radiation oncologists may sub specialize in hospice and palliative medicine. All of these disciplines are described below.
Education:Like other physicians, a radiologist must first graduate from an accredited medical school, earn an MD degree, pass a licensing examination, perform a year of internship, and complete at least four years of graduate medical education in radiology. Upon completing a residency, these doctors may choose to enter a fellowship program and sub-specialize in one or more areas of radiology.Aspiring diagnostic radiologists complete a 4-year bachelor's degree program. Then they must complete four years of medical school followed by several years of residency training in radiology.
Reflection: Being a diagnostic radiologist sound fascinating. If I'm not mistaking my older sister had something like that done to her where they lay you down to see the inside of you. I didn't know what it was about but somehow I found it interesting to learn what exactly they did. The salary is not bad either and being a diagnostic radiologist sounds like a job that I will enjoy working in.
Duties and Responsibilities:A radiologist is a physician who is also an imaging expert with specialized training in obtaining and interpreting medical images obtained by using x-rays or radioactive substances or by other means such as sound waves or the body's natural magnetism.Diagnostic radiologists may sub specialize in neuroradiology, nuclear radiology, pediatric radiology, and vascular and interventional radiology. In addition, diagnostic radiologists and radiation oncologists may sub specialize in hospice and palliative medicine. All of these disciplines are described below.
Education:Like other physicians, a radiologist must first graduate from an accredited medical school, earn an MD degree, pass a licensing examination, perform a year of internship, and complete at least four years of graduate medical education in radiology. Upon completing a residency, these doctors may choose to enter a fellowship program and sub-specialize in one or more areas of radiology.Aspiring diagnostic radiologists complete a 4-year bachelor's degree program. Then they must complete four years of medical school followed by several years of residency training in radiology.
Reflection: Being a diagnostic radiologist sound fascinating. If I'm not mistaking my older sister had something like that done to her where they lay you down to see the inside of you. I didn't know what it was about but somehow I found it interesting to learn what exactly they did. The salary is not bad either and being a diagnostic radiologist sounds like a job that I will enjoy working in.
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