Student Success Statement
" It's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."
Pam Knox
When you have people who are not afraid of doing the right thing. Those are the people that should be looked up too because in this world that we live in we always blame everyone else but ourselves. Someone else always has the fault for the mistakes we make. It shouldn't have to be like that because we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect but the fact that you actually own up to your mistakes and what you have done wrong is what makes you into a better person. People appreciate those who can saying the truth and do the right thing. Don't lie and do the wrong thing, always be good to yourself so others can too.
- 100goals. (1)
- 1863 (1)
- 200 investigations (1)
- 2000 years (1)
- 24 children (1)
- 3 magic keys (1)
- 3000 people killed (1)
- 32 credit hours (1)
- 911 memorial (1)
- AABB (1)
- Abraham Lincoln (2)
- accordingly (1)
- achieving (2)
- Acupressure (1)
- acupuncture (2)
- acupuncture detoxification (1)
- addictions (1)
- administrative (1)
- adults. (1)
- affect (2)
- age-related hearing loss (1)
- aime (1)
- Alan Paton (1)
- Alan Stein (1)
- Alexander Hamilton (1)
- Alexander Pope (1)
- allergies (1)
- Allergist/immunologist (1)
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- Allopathic Physician (1)
- Alway (1)
- always (1)
- American board of internal medicine (1)
- american board of pediatrics (1)
- american cancer (1)
- anatomy (1)
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- Arnold H. Glasgow (1)
- art (1)
- artificial organs (1)
- Assisting (1)
- asthma (1)
- athletic trainer (1)
- attaching electrodes (1)
- attack (1)
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- caring. citizenship (1)
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- character (1)
- cheating (1)
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- Chinese(Oriental) Medicine (1)
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- Civil War (1)
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- Count Leo Tolstoy (1)
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- Dale Murphy (1)
- data (1)
- deadly (1)
- Dean Smith (1)
- decide (1)
- decision (1)
- decisions (1)
- Dennis Prager (1)
- dental assistant (1)
- depression (1)
- design (1)
- destiny (1)
- Detroit (1)
- diagnostic radiologist (1)
- diet (1)
- directions (1)
- disappointing (1)
- diseases (1)
- doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1)
- dream (1)
- drug trafficking (1)
- Dubai (1)
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- ear (1)
- earth (1)
- easier (1)
- easy (1)
- Education (2)
- effects (1)
- effort (1)
- eight to ten weeks (1)
- EKG techinician (1)
- elderly (1)
- electrocardiograph technician (1)
- embryos (1)
- emotional (2)
- energy (2)
- energy flow (1)
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- ENT Doctor (1)
- entire (1)
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- environmental sciences (1)
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- eye disorders & diseases (1)
- eye surgery (1)
- eyes (1)
- Ezra T. Benson (1)
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- fan (1)
- farther (1)
- FBI (1)
- federal law (1)
- feed (1)
- fetuses (1)
- fifteen year old (1)
- Final;Part1 (1)
- Final: Part 2 (1)
- follow (2)
- follower (1)
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- football (1)
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- forgive (1)
- found money (1)
- freedom (1)
- generous (2)
- Goal (2)
- goalpost (1)
- good (4)
- good things (1)
- Good Values (1)
- Gordon B. Hinckley (1)
- great (1)
- greatness (1)
- happiness (1)
- health (2)
- health care (3)
- health care law (1)
- health concerns (1)
- health conditions (1)
- Health educator (1)
- Health information specialist (1)
- health related problems (1)
- heart (1)
- heavy (1)
- help (2)
- helping (2)
- herbs (1)
- history (1)
- hoal (1)
- holiday (1)
- home (1)
- Home Health Aide (1)
- homes (1)
- honesty (2)
- honor (3)
- Honorable Little Boy (1)
- horrible (1)
- Hosea Ballou (1)
- HPIAM (1)
- human behavior (1)
- humankind (1)
- I won't cheat (1)
- illness (1)
- illnesses (1)
- immune system (1)
- immunodeficiency disorder (1)
- immunologic (1)
- independently (1)
- individual (1)
- infections (1)
- influence (1)
- injecting (1)
- injured animals (1)
- injury (1)
- instrumentation (1)
- Integrity (1)
- intelligence (1)
- inter (1)
- interpreting medical images (1)
- interventional radiology (1)
- investigators (1)
- James Freeman Clark (1)
- James Naismith (1)
- John Wooden (1)
- Joseph B. Wirthlin (1)
- Joseph Smith (1)
- jump ball (1)
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- knowledge (1)
- law (3)
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- leaders (1)
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- Lies (1)
- life (2)
- light therapy (1)
- limits (1)
- live (1)
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- Lou Holtz (1)
- LPN (1)
- lying (2)
- M.L. King Jr. (1)
- managers (1)
- Marcus Aurelius (1)
- marines (1)
- Mark Twain (1)
- Mark V. Hansen (1)
- mathematics (1)
- medical (2)
- medical illustrator (1)
- medical tests (1)
- medication (1)
- medicine (1)
- mental illness (1)
- mental level (1)
- Michael Phelps (1)
- mind (1)
- modern (1)
- moment (1)
- money (2)
- most (1)
- move on (1)
- Mr.Haymore (2)
- NADA (1)
- national security (1)
- natural medicine (1)
- navy carrier (1)
- needle insertion (1)
- never (1)
- New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist (1)
- New York City (1)
- Noemi Trigueros (1)
- nothing (1)
- now (1)
- nurse (1)
- nursing administrator home (1)
- nutrition (1)
- Obedience (5)
- observation (1)
- obsessions (1)
- Og Mandino (1)
- Oncologist (1)
- one day (1)
- operator (1)
- Ophthalmologist (1)
- optician (1)
- organized crime (1)
- organs (1)
- osteopathic (1)
- otolaryngologist (1)
- Otto Graham Jr (1)
- pain relief (1)
- Pam Knox (1)
- parents (2)
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- Peter Vidmar (1)
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- physicians (1)
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- physiology (1)
- plan (1)
- Political Science (1)
- post-traumatic (1)
- powerful (1)
- prepared (1)
- prevent health problems (1)
- private agencies (1)
- problems (1)
- promise (1)
- promote (1)
- prostheses (1)
- providing medical (1)
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- Psychologist (1)
- public health (1)
- purse (1)
- Rachel Castillo (1)
- range (1)
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- recreation (1)
- Reggie Bush (1)
- registered dietitian (1)
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- relaxed (1)
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- responsibilities (2)
- responsibility (1)
- Richard L. Evans (1)
- riches (1)
- right (7)
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- say no (1)
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- show (1)
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- six standard exercises (1)
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- specialized training (1)
- spirit (1)
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- SSS (46)
- stand alone (1)
- Sterling W. Sill (1)
- Stimulation (1)
- stopping (1)
- strength (1)
- stress disorder (1)
- strong (1)
- sub specialize (1)
- Success (1)
- tai chi (1)
- TCM (1)
- teach people (1)
- teachers (2)
- techniques (1)
- teeth (1)
- terrorism (1)
- test (1)
- thankful (1)
- Thanksgiving Day (1)
- The 10 Indian Commandments (1)
- The 3 Questions (1)
- The American Board of Medical Specialties (1)
- the six pillars of character (1)
- Theodore Hesburgh (1)
- Thomas S. Monson (4)
- thursday (1)
- time (1)
- tradition (1)
- traditional chinese medicine (1)
- train (1)
- trained (1)
- treat (1)
- treat children (1)
- treat sick (1)
- treatment (3)
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- trustworthy (1)
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- upsetting (1)
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- verbal commands (1)
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- W. Clement Stone (1)
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- wins (1)
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- work hard (1)
- work together (1)
- worry (1)
- worth (1)
- wrong (6)
- x-rays (1)
- Yes. (1)
- you (2)
- young adults obligation (1)
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities: A medical illustrator is a professional artist with specialized training and advanced education in medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and in theories related to communication and learning. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other content specialists, medical illustrators serve as visual translators of complex technical information to support education, medical and life science research, patient care, patient education, public relations, and marketing objectives.
Salary: $62,000-$175,000
Education: The majority of medical illustrators in the profession have a master's degree from an accredited two-year graduate program in medical illustration. There are currently three programs in the United States and one in Canada that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Each program accepts 16 or fewer students each year, so entrance into the schools is very competitive.
Reflection: Becoming a medical illustrator sounds like a fascinating job. Not only is this my first time hearing about this job but it's also my first time that I really want to reconsider my career path. In this job you are taking care of your patients and interacting with the public too. This career sounds like something that I might want to end up doing. Even though the career path is very long to get there I wouldn't mind to try it out and see how it goes. With all that side the rate pay is also really good; I would consider doing this job.
Duties and Responsibilities: A medical illustrator is a professional artist with specialized training and advanced education in medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and in theories related to communication and learning. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other content specialists, medical illustrators serve as visual translators of complex technical information to support education, medical and life science research, patient care, patient education, public relations, and marketing objectives.
Salary: $62,000-$175,000
Education: The majority of medical illustrators in the profession have a master's degree from an accredited two-year graduate program in medical illustration. There are currently three programs in the United States and one in Canada that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Each program accepts 16 or fewer students each year, so entrance into the schools is very competitive.
Coursework varies somewhat from program to program, but all include an advanced course in human anatomy with dissection and may include a combination of other biomedical science courses such as pathology, micro anatomy, physiology, embryology, and neuroanatomy, along with specialized applied art courses such as surgical illustration. Other classes may include color theory, instructional design, photography, interactive media development, 3-D modeling and web design, along with traditional drawing and computer applications.
Reflection: Becoming a medical illustrator sounds like a fascinating job. Not only is this my first time hearing about this job but it's also my first time that I really want to reconsider my career path. In this job you are taking care of your patients and interacting with the public too. This career sounds like something that I might want to end up doing. Even though the career path is very long to get there I wouldn't mind to try it out and see how it goes. With all that side the rate pay is also really good; I would consider doing this job.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The 10 Indian Commandments
1. Treat the Earth and all the dwells therein with respect.
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well-being of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
The 10 Indian Commandments seem like very simple and easy things to do. Most people might think that rules are set up to control people but the commandments that the Indians have only show a symbol of respect and honesty. These kind of commandments are the ones that the world should also take in consideration of doing. All the commandments are basically asking you for a few things; keep the earth clean and don't harm it, respect everyone including yourself, and be honest about things. If people were to take the time to really analyses what the commandments are saying people will see the big picture that not only should the Indians do it but also everyone else.
1. Treat the Earth and all the dwells therein with respect.
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
3. Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4. Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well-being of mind and body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
The 10 Indian Commandments seem like very simple and easy things to do. Most people might think that rules are set up to control people but the commandments that the Indians have only show a symbol of respect and honesty. These kind of commandments are the ones that the world should also take in consideration of doing. All the commandments are basically asking you for a few things; keep the earth clean and don't harm it, respect everyone including yourself, and be honest about things. If people were to take the time to really analyses what the commandments are saying people will see the big picture that not only should the Indians do it but also everyone else.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Student Success Statement
" A promise must never be broken."
Alexander Hamilton
Whenever you break a promise or you don't even do the promise you're losing someones trust. A person will never trust you again if you are always breaking promises or not keeping your word about it. Promises are meant to be kept and not be broken. I have had a few times that people break a promise to me and all it does it disappoint me and never trust in the persons word again. If you feel that you won't be able to keep the promise or even do the promise you should never promise anything to someone. It's always best to say the truth to a person that you won't be able to keep the promise then to just promise something and end up hurting the persons feelings and trust.
" A promise must never be broken."

Alexander Hamilton
Whenever you break a promise or you don't even do the promise you're losing someones trust. A person will never trust you again if you are always breaking promises or not keeping your word about it. Promises are meant to be kept and not be broken. I have had a few times that people break a promise to me and all it does it disappoint me and never trust in the persons word again. If you feel that you won't be able to keep the promise or even do the promise you should never promise anything to someone. It's always best to say the truth to a person that you won't be able to keep the promise then to just promise something and end up hurting the persons feelings and trust.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Student Success Statement
" What you see is what you get"
When teacher tell you that whatever effort you put into a test or project that's how much you're going to get out of the task. You can't expect to score 100% in a test when you didn't bother to study the night or weeks before. Everything has it's value you just have to learn how to create such great power to it. Never settle for less if you want to aim high and really accomplish everything you want; work hard for it. Nothing in this world is free or just handed out to you. You have to put time and effort into whatever you want to have because if you think that it will just happen for you one day; you're wrong. If you see yourself being a strong and independent person well that's the person you are. Never let others tell you otherwise.
" What you see is what you get"
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When teacher tell you that whatever effort you put into a test or project that's how much you're going to get out of the task. You can't expect to score 100% in a test when you didn't bother to study the night or weeks before. Everything has it's value you just have to learn how to create such great power to it. Never settle for less if you want to aim high and really accomplish everything you want; work hard for it. Nothing in this world is free or just handed out to you. You have to put time and effort into whatever you want to have because if you think that it will just happen for you one day; you're wrong. If you see yourself being a strong and independent person well that's the person you are. Never let others tell you otherwise.
Politician in California
Duties and responsibilities: A political science degree can lead to all sorts of careers in both the private and public sectors, from attorney to lobbyist to FBI agent to journalist and beyond. Most positions are attainable with a bachelor's degree in political science, although some do require a graduate degree even at the entry level.
Education:Depending upon the college or university you choose, an undergraduate political science degree can be a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science or a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. Most schools require that students take a minimum number of courses in their major, usually from 30 to 45 credits. Some schools also have different concentrations or emphasis that you can take along with a political science major. Examples would be a concentration in political economy, pre-law, political policy or international relation. Earning a master's degree in political science usually involves taking approximately 30 more college credits beyond a bachelor's degree. These courses are generally at a more advanced level than those found in an undergraduate political science program. Graduate degree holders in political science will find that other career opportunities exist, such as teaching at the college level, public policy analysis, lobbyist, and legislative assistant. If you choose to get a Ph.D. in political science, your main career path will most likely be as a college professor.
Reflection: Since I was a child my passion has always dreamed to join the law industry. Not only did I enjoy it because of the T.V Shows I would watch but because it was something that I knew I could help people out with. Regardless of how long it might take for me to reach that goal I know I want to study political science and that's where I'm going to aim.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Student Success Statement
" My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy; you don't make them because they are cheap' you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they're right."
Theodore Hesburgh
You always have to know that making the right decision might seem like if it's to hard or if there really is no point for it. But always remember making the right decision is better because you will never be filled with consequences. Whenever you take an easy way out it always will come back and haunt you because it's not the right thing to do. Don't do things that you might think at that moment it's okay to do. Wait stop and think because a bad decision can affect you through out all your life.
Licensed Practical Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities:
A licensed practical nurse in much of the United States and most Canadian provinces is a nurse who cares for people who are sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled. LPNs used to be under the direction of registered nurses and are now under physicians. Duties of LPNs and LVNs vary, depending on their work setting and the state in which they work. For example, they may reinforce teaching done by registered nurses regarding how family members should care for a relative; help to deliver, care for, and feed infants; collect samples for testing and do routine laboratory tests; or feed patients who need help eating.
Education:LPNs and LVNs must complete an approved educational program. These programs award a certificate or diploma and typically take about 1 year to complete, but may take longer. They are commonly found in technical schools and community colleges, though some programs may be available in high schools and hospitals. Practical nursing programs combine classroom learning in subjects, such as nursing, biology, and pharmacology. All programs also include supervised clinical experience. Contact state boards of nursing for lists of approved programs.
Reflection: Becoming a nurse is a full time job and many responsibilities because you are not only providing care to the passaints you are also keeping an eye on them 24/7. I can check on a person and see if they are okay the reason why I might consider this career is because these kind of nurses don't have to be giving shots or taking out blood. That's the only things I would have a issue of being a nurse but besides that becoming a licensed practical nurse might be something i'll consider.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Student Success Statement
" It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good) "
Joseph Smith
Smith makes a very good point saying that we should only focus on the good things then bad things. In this world children are sometimes raised knowing so much about the harmful things in the world and things they shouldn't do then do. We need to make the world understand the meaning of good and make sure the actions of good are being promoted so children while growing up can start developing good habits; so later the next generation follows along. It's only a matter to speak to everyone and promote the good dids and things you can do.
" It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good) "
Joseph Smith
Smith makes a very good point saying that we should only focus on the good things then bad things. In this world children are sometimes raised knowing so much about the harmful things in the world and things they shouldn't do then do. We need to make the world understand the meaning of good and make sure the actions of good are being promoted so children while growing up can start developing good habits; so later the next generation follows along. It's only a matter to speak to everyone and promote the good dids and things you can do.
Home Health Aide
Duties and Responsibilities:
Home health aides make a remarkable difference in the lives of the sick, disabled and elderly. By assisting with personal tasks such as dressing and bathing, and helping to keep homes safe and clean, they allow those who would otherwise need a higher level of care the opportunity to live on their own. They also arrange leisure activities and transportation for clients so that they can remain engaged in their communities. Some states also allow home health aides to administer medication or check vital signs under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner.
Salary: $22,050
Education:There is no standardized educational requirement for HHAs. In some states, not even a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Other states require HHAs to take preparation classes (usually offered at community colleges or vocational/technical schools) before they begin working. The certification process requires passing an exam after 75 hours of training and skills testing.Some employers, such as government-certified home care agencies, provide training classes and require employees to pass a test before starting their first assignment.
Reflection: This is a very good career considering that you're helping an elder with things that they might no longer be able to do because of their age. Being a Home Health Aide is something I would consider doing as a hobby when I'm a little older. I don't see myself doing this career for my whole life and since it's not heavy work it's just like you are a babysitter to someone who is uncompassionate to do the job themselves. I would consider doing this career as a hobby but not my certified career.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Home health aides make a remarkable difference in the lives of the sick, disabled and elderly. By assisting with personal tasks such as dressing and bathing, and helping to keep homes safe and clean, they allow those who would otherwise need a higher level of care the opportunity to live on their own. They also arrange leisure activities and transportation for clients so that they can remain engaged in their communities. Some states also allow home health aides to administer medication or check vital signs under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner.
Salary: $22,050
Education:There is no standardized educational requirement for HHAs. In some states, not even a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Other states require HHAs to take preparation classes (usually offered at community colleges or vocational/technical schools) before they begin working. The certification process requires passing an exam after 75 hours of training and skills testing.Some employers, such as government-certified home care agencies, provide training classes and require employees to pass a test before starting their first assignment.
Reflection: This is a very good career considering that you're helping an elder with things that they might no longer be able to do because of their age. Being a Home Health Aide is something I would consider doing as a hobby when I'm a little older. I don't see myself doing this career for my whole life and since it's not heavy work it's just like you are a babysitter to someone who is uncompassionate to do the job themselves. I would consider doing this career as a hobby but not my certified career.
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