Rachel Castillo
It's amazing to know that there are still good people out in the world willing to always do the right thing. Rachel Castillo found more than $36,000 in a bench with a ID inside of a 76 year old man. Instead of taking that money and using it to pay rent or buy herself a new car what she ended up doing was reporting it to the police office. Even though the young lady didn't get any reward for turning the money she said that the reward will come from a grader power. People that think in that sort of way always turn out to be good because they always choose to do the right thing. Rachel is a great example to what people should do and not listen to there own needs. Doing the right thing will never bring bad things. Even if you feel that you might regret doing the right thing like for example returning the money you need to realize that that person might need it more than you do and that at the end you will feel so much better because without even realizing it you might have changed a person life in returning the money back.
- 100goals. (1)
- 1863 (1)
- 200 investigations (1)
- 2000 years (1)
- 24 children (1)
- 3 magic keys (1)
- 3000 people killed (1)
- 32 credit hours (1)
- 911 memorial (1)
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- Arnold H. Glasgow (1)
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- Count Leo Tolstoy (1)
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- fetuses (1)
- fifteen year old (1)
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- Final: Part 2 (1)
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- football (1)
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- found money (1)
- freedom (1)
- generous (2)
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- goalpost (1)
- good (4)
- good things (1)
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- Gordon B. Hinckley (1)
- great (1)
- greatness (1)
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- health care (3)
- health care law (1)
- health concerns (1)
- health conditions (1)
- Health educator (1)
- Health information specialist (1)
- health related problems (1)
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- heavy (1)
- help (2)
- helping (2)
- herbs (1)
- history (1)
- hoal (1)
- holiday (1)
- home (1)
- Home Health Aide (1)
- homes (1)
- honesty (2)
- honor (3)
- Honorable Little Boy (1)
- horrible (1)
- Hosea Ballou (1)
- HPIAM (1)
- human behavior (1)
- humankind (1)
- I won't cheat (1)
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- illnesses (1)
- immune system (1)
- immunodeficiency disorder (1)
- immunologic (1)
- independently (1)
- individual (1)
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- injured animals (1)
- injury (1)
- instrumentation (1)
- Integrity (1)
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- inter (1)
- interpreting medical images (1)
- interventional radiology (1)
- investigators (1)
- James Freeman Clark (1)
- James Naismith (1)
- John Wooden (1)
- Joseph B. Wirthlin (1)
- Joseph Smith (1)
- jump ball (1)
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- law (3)
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- leaders (1)
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- Lies (1)
- life (2)
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- living organisms (1)
- Lou Holtz (1)
- LPN (1)
- lying (2)
- M.L. King Jr. (1)
- managers (1)
- Marcus Aurelius (1)
- marines (1)
- Mark Twain (1)
- Mark V. Hansen (1)
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- medical illustrator (1)
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- medicine (1)
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- Mr.Haymore (2)
- NADA (1)
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- needle insertion (1)
- never (1)
- New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist (1)
- New York City (1)
- Noemi Trigueros (1)
- nothing (1)
- now (1)
- nurse (1)
- nursing administrator home (1)
- nutrition (1)
- Obedience (5)
- observation (1)
- obsessions (1)
- Og Mandino (1)
- Oncologist (1)
- one day (1)
- operator (1)
- Ophthalmologist (1)
- optician (1)
- organized crime (1)
- organs (1)
- osteopathic (1)
- otolaryngologist (1)
- Otto Graham Jr (1)
- pain relief (1)
- Pam Knox (1)
- parents (2)
- Paul Hatch (2)
- pay off (1)
- personal tasks (1)
- Peter Vidmar (1)
- photobiology (1)
- physician (1)
- physicians (1)
- physics (1)
- physiology (1)
- plan (1)
- Political Science (1)
- post-traumatic (1)
- powerful (1)
- prepared (1)
- prevent health problems (1)
- private agencies (1)
- problems (1)
- promise (1)
- promote (1)
- prostheses (1)
- providing medical (1)
- Psychiatrist (1)
- Psychologist (1)
- public health (1)
- purse (1)
- Rachel Castillo (1)
- range (1)
- recover (1)
- recreation (1)
- Reggie Bush (1)
- registered dietitian (1)
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- relaxed (1)
- respect (2)
- responsibilities (2)
- responsibility (1)
- Richard L. Evans (1)
- riches (1)
- right (7)
- right heart (1)
- robberies (1)
- rule (1)
- sacrifice (1)
- say no (1)
- school (2)
- science (1)
- scientists (1)
- self-healing abilities (1)
- selfish (1)
- Senior year (1)
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- show (1)
- sick (1)
- six standard exercises (1)
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- specialized training (1)
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- SSS (46)
- stand alone (1)
- Sterling W. Sill (1)
- Stimulation (1)
- stopping (1)
- strength (1)
- stress disorder (1)
- strong (1)
- sub specialize (1)
- Success (1)
- tai chi (1)
- TCM (1)
- teach people (1)
- teachers (2)
- techniques (1)
- teeth (1)
- terrorism (1)
- test (1)
- thankful (1)
- Thanksgiving Day (1)
- The 10 Indian Commandments (1)
- The 3 Questions (1)
- The American Board of Medical Specialties (1)
- the six pillars of character (1)
- Theodore Hesburgh (1)
- Thomas S. Monson (4)
- thursday (1)
- time (1)
- tradition (1)
- traditional chinese medicine (1)
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- trained (1)
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- treat children (1)
- treat sick (1)
- treatment (3)
- true (1)
- trust (3)
- trustworthiness (1)
- trustworthy (1)
- truth (3)
- Twin Towers (1)
- Tyler Haws (1)
- U.S (2)
- ultimate football player (1)
- United States (1)
- upsetting (1)
- USC (1)
- verbal commands (1)
- Veterans Day (1)
- Veterinarian (1)
- Victor Hugo (1)
- vision problems (1)
- W. Clement Stone (1)
- want (1)
- wealth (3)
- western medicine doctor (1)
- William Penn (1)
- wins (1)
- Words to live by (1)
- work (2)
- work hard (1)
- work together (1)
- worry (1)
- worth (1)
- wrong (6)
- x-rays (1)
- Yes. (1)
- you (2)
- young adults obligation (1)
Friday, February 20, 2015
Student Success Statement
" Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly."
Otto Graham, Jr
It all depends in what way you are using accordingly. Some people might use accordingly in other ways for example the law. According to the law you should not make bad decisions or there will be consequences. Or according to your mom you can't be out late at night because something bad can happen to you. But it can also be switched into something bad what if you do a mistake and you tell the person who caught you doing something wrong that according to your friend it was ok for you to do that. Sometimes our parents might teach us a few things that are not according correct that's why you should be more wiser and understand that every decision you should consider no matter who the advice might be coming from.
" Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly."
Otto Graham, Jr
It all depends in what way you are using accordingly. Some people might use accordingly in other ways for example the law. According to the law you should not make bad decisions or there will be consequences. Or according to your mom you can't be out late at night because something bad can happen to you. But it can also be switched into something bad what if you do a mistake and you tell the person who caught you doing something wrong that according to your friend it was ok for you to do that. Sometimes our parents might teach us a few things that are not according correct that's why you should be more wiser and understand that every decision you should consider no matter who the advice might be coming from.
Health Information Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:Most health information management specialists focus on patient security or privacy, coding or records administration. Many professionals are employed by hospitals, where they work with patient care data and ensure proper insurance payment reimbursement, the accuracy of data for public health records and the security of patients' electronic health records information. Other professionals may work for government agencies, insurance companies or other health care facilities.
Education: In order to find an entry-level position, aspiring health information management specialists need to be familiar with basic medical vocabulary and insurance coding techniques. Most employers hire candidates that have earned an associate's degree in health information management. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008 there were over 200 schools in the United States accredited to offer such a program through the Commission for Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education. Courses in these programs focus on topics that include medical terminology, anatomy, medical coding, statistics and database security.
Reflection: Learning about your health and the good benefits it can bring you if you keep a nice diet can only cause you nothing but good things. Becoming a health information specialist is not something I would want to do as a living. Maybe as a hobby to relax or to spend my time but not for a full on career. Even though money might not be everything it's still a very low rate to get paid and by all the learning you have to do it's not enough. Health information specialist is something I would do as a hobby but not career.
Duties and Responsibilities:Most health information management specialists focus on patient security or privacy, coding or records administration. Many professionals are employed by hospitals, where they work with patient care data and ensure proper insurance payment reimbursement, the accuracy of data for public health records and the security of patients' electronic health records information. Other professionals may work for government agencies, insurance companies or other health care facilities.
Education: In order to find an entry-level position, aspiring health information management specialists need to be familiar with basic medical vocabulary and insurance coding techniques. Most employers hire candidates that have earned an associate's degree in health information management. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008 there were over 200 schools in the United States accredited to offer such a program through the Commission for Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education. Courses in these programs focus on topics that include medical terminology, anatomy, medical coding, statistics and database security.
Reflection: Learning about your health and the good benefits it can bring you if you keep a nice diet can only cause you nothing but good things. Becoming a health information specialist is not something I would want to do as a living. Maybe as a hobby to relax or to spend my time but not for a full on career. Even though money might not be everything it's still a very low rate to get paid and by all the learning you have to do it's not enough. Health information specialist is something I would do as a hobby but not career.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Honorable Little Boy
In an ordinary kind of day a soldier was in a market buying groceries. What the soldier didn't know was that that day was going to change his life. A little boy walked in the store happy as ever because he had just found a twenty dollar bill on the parking lot. Like any other little kid you would think that he would go on and waste the twenty dollar bill but this little boy was different. He signed a little note and gave the twenty dollars to the soldier. When the soldier read the little note he was touched in what the little boy had wrote. The little boy thanked the soldier for the serves he had done to our country and gave him the twenty dollars because he wanted to help him out. The father of the little boy was a soldier but got killed in vietnam that's why the little boy showed so much respect for that soldier. The little boy never met his father but he pictured him as a wonderful caring man and even though he was not able to watch his little boy grow up. Im sure from up above he is watching all the good things his little boy is making and that hopefully people start following his steps.
In an ordinary kind of day a soldier was in a market buying groceries. What the soldier didn't know was that that day was going to change his life. A little boy walked in the store happy as ever because he had just found a twenty dollar bill on the parking lot. Like any other little kid you would think that he would go on and waste the twenty dollar bill but this little boy was different. He signed a little note and gave the twenty dollars to the soldier. When the soldier read the little note he was touched in what the little boy had wrote. The little boy thanked the soldier for the serves he had done to our country and gave him the twenty dollars because he wanted to help him out. The father of the little boy was a soldier but got killed in vietnam that's why the little boy showed so much respect for that soldier. The little boy never met his father but he pictured him as a wonderful caring man and even though he was not able to watch his little boy grow up. Im sure from up above he is watching all the good things his little boy is making and that hopefully people start following his steps.
Student Success Statement
" Act well your part; there all honor lies."
Alexander Pope
Always try to be the best you can be. People look up to a person whenever they're known to be honest, truthful and hard working. Everything all falls into place whenever you have yourself together. Or even if you have made a mistake if you step up and say the truth and that you are sorry that deserves respect. It shows more honor in you because you were willing to man up to your mistakes.
" Act well your part; there all honor lies."
Alexander Pope
Always try to be the best you can be. People look up to a person whenever they're known to be honest, truthful and hard working. Everything all falls into place whenever you have yourself together. Or even if you have made a mistake if you step up and say the truth and that you are sorry that deserves respect. It shows more honor in you because you were willing to man up to your mistakes.
Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: A Registered Environmental Health Specialist administers environmental and health programs for both public and private agencies and organizations in food protection and safety, water protection, air quality, noise, industrial and land pollution, sewage disposal, hazardous and toxic substances, solid waste management, and institutional health. In general, a Registered Environmental Health Specialist is employed by a local health agency, an individual municipal local health agency, a regional health commission, or a county health department. Alternative, some individuals are employed by the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, or private consulting companies, or private food concerns.
Salary:$51,000 -$75,000
Education: Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university which is recognized by the Commission on Higher Education in a program accredited.The degree must include a minimum of 32 credit hours in biology, chemistry, physics and/or environmental sciences and mathematics. In addition to the course requirements, satisfactorily complete 200 hours of a structured field training program with a local health agency which is recognized by the Department of Health . This training must also include 40 hours of training with a New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist and must include such activities as inspection of wholesale food establishments, campgrounds, institutions, etc.
Reflection: Being an Environmental Health Specialist sound interesting but it's not something that I would like to major in because the main education requirements are biology, chemistry, physics and math. Things I'm not good at and wouldn't want to study. Other than that it seems like a good paying job but not something I see myself doing for a couple of years. If maybe what you had to major might change I would like to do it considering I love nature.
Duties and Responsibilities: A Registered Environmental Health Specialist administers environmental and health programs for both public and private agencies and organizations in food protection and safety, water protection, air quality, noise, industrial and land pollution, sewage disposal, hazardous and toxic substances, solid waste management, and institutional health. In general, a Registered Environmental Health Specialist is employed by a local health agency, an individual municipal local health agency, a regional health commission, or a county health department. Alternative, some individuals are employed by the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, or private consulting companies, or private food concerns.
Salary:$51,000 -$75,000
Education: Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university which is recognized by the Commission on Higher Education in a program accredited.The degree must include a minimum of 32 credit hours in biology, chemistry, physics and/or environmental sciences and mathematics. In addition to the course requirements, satisfactorily complete 200 hours of a structured field training program with a local health agency which is recognized by the Department of Health . This training must also include 40 hours of training with a New Jersey Department of Health Registered Environmental Health Specialist and must include such activities as inspection of wholesale food establishments, campgrounds, institutions, etc.
Reflection: Being an Environmental Health Specialist sound interesting but it's not something that I would like to major in because the main education requirements are biology, chemistry, physics and math. Things I'm not good at and wouldn't want to study. Other than that it seems like a good paying job but not something I see myself doing for a couple of years. If maybe what you had to major might change I would like to do it considering I love nature.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Student Success Statement
"Right is right only when entire"
Victor Hugo
What Hugo is trying to say by having the quote " Right is right only when entire" is that you can only be choosing the right if you are committing yourself to do nothing but the right. For example if you go home late and you tell your mom part of the truth and part a lie then you are not doing the right thing because you are using 50% 50%. It's like if you were to contract a man to build your house and be only builds half of it correctly and the other half not so good and of course you will be upset and odds are that your house will crumble down because the structure was not build correct. You can only choose the right by sticking to the truth all the way with no lies or any other bad things.
"Right is right only when entire"
Victor Hugo
What Hugo is trying to say by having the quote " Right is right only when entire" is that you can only be choosing the right if you are committing yourself to do nothing but the right. For example if you go home late and you tell your mom part of the truth and part a lie then you are not doing the right thing because you are using 50% 50%. It's like if you were to contract a man to build your house and be only builds half of it correctly and the other half not so good and of course you will be upset and odds are that your house will crumble down because the structure was not build correct. You can only choose the right by sticking to the truth all the way with no lies or any other bad things.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Student Success Statement
" In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are"
Arnold H. Glasgow
Life is life a football game. You want to try and get to the goal posts to make a touchdown but it won't be something easy because you are going to have the opposing teach trying to stop you from making a touchdown. It's just like life; people are going to try and stop you from creating anything and achieving your goals they're going to do whatever it's possible to see you fail. But even though there are going to be many difficulties trying to get past them and do a touchdown as long as you know where is the goal post you will make it because you will know your destination. You know exactly where you have to aim all you need to do is find a way to get there.
" In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where goalposts are"
Arnold H. Glasgow
Life is life a football game. You want to try and get to the goal posts to make a touchdown but it won't be something easy because you are going to have the opposing teach trying to stop you from making a touchdown. It's just like life; people are going to try and stop you from creating anything and achieving your goals they're going to do whatever it's possible to see you fail. But even though there are going to be many difficulties trying to get past them and do a touchdown as long as you know where is the goal post you will make it because you will know your destination. You know exactly where you have to aim all you need to do is find a way to get there.
History of Basketball
Who invented Basketball? James Naismith was a Canadian American sports coach and innovator.
Where? In Canada
When? He invented the sport in 1891
How? He took a soccer ball and a peach basket into the gym and invented basketball. In 1893, James Naismith replaced the peach basket with iron hoops and a hammock-style basket. Ten years later came the open-ended nets of today.
Why? James Naismith invented Basketball because they needed a sport to play indoors for the winter because it was too cold to play baseball or football outside.
What were the circumstances at the beginning? The circumstances were that instead of a basketball they used a soccer ball. Instead of shooting at two hoops, the goals were a pair of peach baskets.
What was it like at the start? At the start students did seem to have much interest and they seemed to have a hard time trying to get used to the rules because most of them would just ran around with the ball.
What type of shots were taken? Modern basketball, the original rules did not include what is known today as the dribble. Since the ball could only be moved up the court via a pass early players tossed the ball over their heads as they ran up court. Also, following each "goal" a jump ball was taken in the middle of the court. Both practices are obsolete in the rules of modern basketball.

How is basketball different today than when it first started? Before was more of a finesse game, now is much more physical and grueling since the goal is to make the more easy close range shots that you can. Now the average height of the players is a minimum of 6'3 in many cases. In the past someone 6'3 was considered a big man of at least a forward. The skill level of players today is off the charts and that's the reason why I think many players are so underrated because to shine in a league today with so many talent is just too difficult as well as winning a Championship.
Who invented Basketball? James Naismith was a Canadian American sports coach and innovator.
Where? In Canada
When? He invented the sport in 1891

Why? James Naismith invented Basketball because they needed a sport to play indoors for the winter because it was too cold to play baseball or football outside.
What were the circumstances at the beginning? The circumstances were that instead of a basketball they used a soccer ball. Instead of shooting at two hoops, the goals were a pair of peach baskets.
What was it like at the start? At the start students did seem to have much interest and they seemed to have a hard time trying to get used to the rules because most of them would just ran around with the ball.
What type of shots were taken? Modern basketball, the original rules did not include what is known today as the dribble. Since the ball could only be moved up the court via a pass early players tossed the ball over their heads as they ran up court. Also, following each "goal" a jump ball was taken in the middle of the court. Both practices are obsolete in the rules of modern basketball.

James Naismith,
jump ball,
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Fifteen Year old CTR
Tana had just lost her husband, she went to the cemetery to visit her him because he had only two weeks of passing away. Even though that she had just lost someone so special to her an older man didn't seem to care because he stole her purse that had $700. How can a man be heartless to an older lady and do that do her? Gratefully he eventually got caught by the cops and his face was showed in the news. So his son christian saw that his father had once again committed a big crime and realized that maybe the money he had gave him for his band trip was probably the money that he had stolen from the old lady. Christian had a big heart contacted the lady and apologized for what his father had done and even though he wanted to go to the camping trip he gave back the money to her because he knew that was the right thing to do. But as always when you do good, good things come back to you; the lady told him to keep it. It's a nice feeling to know that even though your parents, friends or other family members are choosing the wrong but that kids are seeing that that's not the way to go. As how christian said " just because your parents are a certain way that does not mean you will turn out and have to be like them". At the end of the day Christian was able to walk home feeling nothing but happiness in his heart for letting the old lady know that there are still good people out there. Always do the right thing and never let other people choose that for you.
Student Success Statement
" Only those live who do good"
Count Leo Tolstoy
Have you ever done something nice for someone and then later on felt good about it? Well believe it or not that living. When ever you do something bad you might have a good feeling in the beginning but afterwards you start feeling guilty and sad and that's only because you soul knows those are not the right things to do. Doing good things in life only bring positive and good feelings. Those people that do good are the once that live because what other reason are you here in this world. If life it's is already a challenge and there are so many people out there that need help by you making that one step in helping them it's already making a change for the next generation. You can only live a happy and peaceful life when you know you have done good in your life.
" Only those live who do good"
Count Leo Tolstoy
Have you ever done something nice for someone and then later on felt good about it? Well believe it or not that living. When ever you do something bad you might have a good feeling in the beginning but afterwards you start feeling guilty and sad and that's only because you soul knows those are not the right things to do. Doing good things in life only bring positive and good feelings. Those people that do good are the once that live because what other reason are you here in this world. If life it's is already a challenge and there are so many people out there that need help by you making that one step in helping them it's already making a change for the next generation. You can only live a happy and peaceful life when you know you have done good in your life.
Duties and Responsibilities:Veterinarians diagnose and treat sick or injured animals by providing medical care that includes performing surgery, prescribing medication, dressing wounds, and setting bones.There are many different types of veterinarians, each with their own areas of expertise.
Salary:$13K- $107K
Education: You will need to attend an accredited college of veterinary medicine and earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. There are currently only 28 accredited colleges that offer veterinary medicine programs. With such a short supply of schools, getting accepted can be extremely competitive.Though it isn't always required, most people get a bachelor's degree before they apply to a veterinary medicine program. Veterinarians come from many different academic backgrounds, but most concentrate heavily in science. Biology, chemistry, zoology, and anatomy all have real life applications for veterinarians, and are often required by veterinary medicine schools.
Reflection: If I were to have the opportunity working with animals I would do it. This career believe it or not can bring you man different experiences. Working with all kinds of animals and healing them is something I know I would enjoy doing. But if I were to pick this career path I would want to work in the Zoo because they're so much more animals there then only cats and dogs. Even though I'm interest in english and politics who does not like animals. This career job I wouldn't mind doing.
Duties and Responsibilities:Veterinarians diagnose and treat sick or injured animals by providing medical care that includes performing surgery, prescribing medication, dressing wounds, and setting bones.There are many different types of veterinarians, each with their own areas of expertise.
Salary:$13K- $107K
Education: You will need to attend an accredited college of veterinary medicine and earn a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. There are currently only 28 accredited colleges that offer veterinary medicine programs. With such a short supply of schools, getting accepted can be extremely competitive.Though it isn't always required, most people get a bachelor's degree before they apply to a veterinary medicine program. Veterinarians come from many different academic backgrounds, but most concentrate heavily in science. Biology, chemistry, zoology, and anatomy all have real life applications for veterinarians, and are often required by veterinary medicine schools.
Reflection: If I were to have the opportunity working with animals I would do it. This career believe it or not can bring you man different experiences. Working with all kinds of animals and healing them is something I know I would enjoy doing. But if I were to pick this career path I would want to work in the Zoo because they're so much more animals there then only cats and dogs. Even though I'm interest in english and politics who does not like animals. This career job I wouldn't mind doing.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Western Medicine Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions. Other names for Western medicine include traditional medicine or allopathic medicine. It differs from Eastern, or alternative, medicine, in its approach to treatment, which relies heavily upon industrially produced medications and a strict adherence to the formal scientific process. Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine see patients, prescribe medications, perform surgeries, and deliver babies in hospitals, medical centers, and offices across the United States and overseas.
Salary: $100,000-$300,000
Education:Their basic and clinical medical training, Osteopathic physicians receive training in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. That is, in addition to their basic science and clinical training, DOs are additionally able to use their hands to diagnose and treat injury and illness and encourage the body's natural tendency toward good health. OMM enables physicians to treat their patients with the appropriate combination of medical procedures, medication, AND manipulation. This form of treatment can often result in immediate relief and/or increased speed of healing. Visit the American Osteopathic Association to read how DOs have made a significant difference in the lives of patients who thought they had run out of options.
Reflection: Studying in this type of field seems important. Being able to study the person to see what might be wrong with them so you can be able to give them the medication they need seems like I job I would love to do.
Duties and Responsibilities: the term used to describe the treatment of medical conditions with medications, by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare providers who employ methods developed according to Western medical and scientific traditions. Other names for Western medicine include traditional medicine or allopathic medicine. It differs from Eastern, or alternative, medicine, in its approach to treatment, which relies heavily upon industrially produced medications and a strict adherence to the formal scientific process. Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine see patients, prescribe medications, perform surgeries, and deliver babies in hospitals, medical centers, and offices across the United States and overseas.
Salary: $100,000-$300,000
Education:Their basic and clinical medical training, Osteopathic physicians receive training in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. That is, in addition to their basic science and clinical training, DOs are additionally able to use their hands to diagnose and treat injury and illness and encourage the body's natural tendency toward good health. OMM enables physicians to treat their patients with the appropriate combination of medical procedures, medication, AND manipulation. This form of treatment can often result in immediate relief and/or increased speed of healing. Visit the American Osteopathic Association to read how DOs have made a significant difference in the lives of patients who thought they had run out of options.
Reflection: Studying in this type of field seems important. Being able to study the person to see what might be wrong with them so you can be able to give them the medication they need seems like I job I would love to do.
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